US 1968 'Airmail' AIRLIFT - Eagle Holding Pennant $1 Scott. 1341

US 1968 'Airmail' AIRLIFT - Eagle Holding Pennant $1 Scott. 1341

Series: Airlift Issue

Stamp details: AIRLIFT - Eagle Holding Pennant

Issued date: 04-04-1968 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Face value: $1

Emission: Air Post
Watermark: No Watermark

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 1341
Stanley Gibbons (UK): A1325
Michel (Germany): A946
Yvert et Tellier (France): PA68

Dimensions (height x width):
25mm x 40mm

Printer: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Print Method: Giori Press

Stamp Colors: Sepia, dark blue, ocher and brown-red
Perforation: Perf 11 x 11

Themes: Eagle, Bird of Prey

Total print: 30,000,000 (estimate)

Note: Issued to pay for airlift of parcels from and to United States ports to servicemen overseas and in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Valid for all regular postage. On 1969-04-29, the Post Office Department ruled that henceforth [SN: US 1341] "may be used toward paying the postage or fees for special services on airmail articles."
US 1968 AIRLIFT - Eagle Holding Pennant $1 Scott. 1341 ^