US 1968 Bunker Hill ; Historic American Flag 6c. Scott. 1351

US 1968 Bunker Hill ; Historic American Flag 6c. Scott. 1351

Series: Historic Flag Series

Stamp details: Bunker Hill, 1775

Issued date: 04-07-1968 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Face value: 6c.

Emission: Commemorative
Watermark: No Watermark

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 1351
Stanley Gibbons (UK): 1336
Michel (Germany): 957
Yvert et Tellier (France): 854

Dimensions (height x width):
25mm x 40mm

Printer: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Print Method: Giori Press

Stamp Colors: Dark blue, olive green and red
Perforation: Perf 11 x 11
Paper: Tagged

Themes: Flag, Tree, Red Cross

Total print: 228,040,000 (estimate)

Description:- The Bunker Hill Flag is a popular American Revolution flag that some believe was flown at the Battle of Bunker Hill at the outbreak of the war during the Siege of Boston. The flag is an English Blue Ensign with a St. George's Cross in the corner with a pine tree, which represented liberty to the colonists. Many historians believe the Bunker Hill Flag was not actually flown at Bunker Hill, but was the result of a printing mistake in a flag book years after the war. Most believe if there was any flag flown at Bunker Hill, it was a red flag with a simple pine tree in the corner.