US 2010 New Hampshire State Flag : Flags of Our Nation ; Coil 44c. Scott 4307

US 2010 New Hampshire State Flag : Flags of Our Nation ; Coil 44c. Scott 4307

Series: Flags of Our Nation Issue

Stamp details: New Hampshire State Flag and Common Loon (Gavia immer)

Issued date: 16-04-2010 (dd/mm/yyyy)

Face value: 44c.

Format: Coil of 50 (Set 4)

Emission: Commemorative (Coil)

First Day City: New York, NY

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 4307
Stanley Gibbons (UK): 5027
Michel (Germany): 4598
Yvert et Tellier (France): 4261

Designers: Howard Paine (designer) ; Tom Engeman (artist)

Dimensions (height x width):
24mm x 44mm

Printer: American Packaging Corporation ; Sennett Security Products (SSP)
Print Method: Photogravure

Perforation: Serpentine Die Cut 11 Vertically

Stamp Colors: Multicolored

Gum type: Self-Adhesive

Themes: Flag, Duck, Birds, Ship, Hills

Total print: 50,000,000 (estimate)

US 2010 New Hampshire State Flag : Flags of Our Nation ; Coil 44c. Scott 4307 ^