US 2015 Martin Ramirez Arts : Windows 49c. Scott. 4972

US 2015 Martin Ramirez Arts : Windows 49c. Scott. 4972

Series: Martin Ramirez (2015)

Stamp details: Martin Ramirez: Windows

Issued date: 26-03-2015 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Face value: 49c.
(FOREVER º - No Face Value)

Emission: Commemorative

Format: PSA (Pressure-sensitive adhesive) Pane of 20

First Day City: New York, NY, at Ricco/Maresca Gallery

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 4972
Stanley Gibbons (UK): 5588
Michel (Germany): 5161BA
Yvert et Tellier (France): 4789

Dimensions (height x width):
31mm x 31mm

Designers: Martin Ramirez (artist)

Printer: Banknote Corporation of America for Sennett Security Products

Printing Method: Lithographed in sheets of 240, with twelve panes of 20 per sheet

Stamp Colors: Multicolored

Perforation: Serpentine Die Cut 10¾
Gum type: Self-Adhesive

Themes: Famous People, Arts, Windows

Note: Face value US$0.49 on day of issue.

Description:- Martín Ramírez (1895-1963) was a self-taught artist who spent most of his adult life institutionalized in California mental hospitals, diagnosed as a catatonic schizophrenic. He is considered by some to be one of the 20th century's best self-taught masters.