US 2015 Red Knot : Coastal Birds 35c. Scott. 4991

US 2015 Red Knot : Coastal Birds 35c. Scott. 4991

Series: Coastal Birds

Stamp details: Red Knot (Calidris canutus)

Issued date: 01-06-2015 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Face value: 35c.
(Postcard º - No Face Value)

Emission: Definitive

Format: Pane of 20

First Day City: Kansas City, Missouri

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 4991
Stanley Gibbons (UK): 5603
Michel (Germany): 5174BA
Yvert et Tellier (France): 4815

Dimensions (height x width):
25mm x 21mm

Printer: Banknote Corporation of America for Sennett Security Products (SSP)

Printing Method: Offset with microprinting in sheets of 200 with 10 panes of 20 per sheet

Stamp Colors: Multicolored

Perforation: Serpentine Die Cut 11 x 10¾

Gum type: Self-Adhesive

Themes: Bird

Total print: 12,500,000 (estimate)

Note: Face value US$0.35 on day of issue.

Description:- The red knot or just knot (Calidris canutus) is a medium-sized shorebird which breeds in tundra and the Arctic Cordillera in the far north of Canada, Europe, and Russia. It is a large member of the Calidris sandpipers, second only to the great knot. Six subspecies are recognised. Their diet varies according to season; arthropods and larvae are the preferred food items at the breeding grounds, while various hard-shelled molluscs are consumed at other feeding sites at other times. North American breeders migrate to coastal areas in Europe and South America, while the Eurasian populations winter in Africa, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and New Zealand. This species forms enormous flocks when not breeding.