US 2018 Comb Jellyfish : Bioluminescent Life 50c. Scott. 5266

US 2018 Comb Jellyfish : Bioluminescent Life 50c. Scott. 5266

Series: Bioluminescent Life

Stamp details: Deep-sea Comb Jellyfish

Issued date: 22-02-2018 (dd/mm/yyyy)

Face value: 50c.
(FOREVER º - No Face Value)

Emission: Commemorative

Format: PSA pane of 20

First Day City: Fort Pierce, Florida

Catalogue No:-
Scott (USA): 5266
Michel (Germany): 5467
Yvert et Tellier (France): 5086

Dimensions (height x width):
24.8mm x 39.6mm

Designers: Edith Widder (photographer)

Printer: Banknote Corporation of America

Printing Method: Offset

Stamp Colors: Multicolored

Perforation: Die Cut 10¾

Gum type: Self-Adhesive

Themes: Jellyfish, Sea Life

Total print: 4,000,000 (estimate)

Note: Face value US$0.50 on day of issue.

Description:- Bathocyroe fosteri is a species of lobate ctenophore found at intermediate depths in all the world's oceans. The species is very common and abundant near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is bioluminescent, and is typically observed hanging motionlessly in an upright or inverted posture although it can flap its oral lobes to swim. This deep-sea comb jelly is named for Alvin (DSV-2) pilot Dudley Foster, who collected the first specimens.